August Issue 2011

By | Blog row | The Water Cooler | Published 14 years ago


Newsline has put together another intelligent package of in-depth features and interviews, alongside great political commentary and book and movie reviews in our August 2011 issue.

In our cover story, you’ll find a dramatic and thoughtful look at the violence that is ripping Karachi asunder.

From there, we go across Pakistan to bring you reports on other big issues: textbook reform, sexual harassment and female genital mutilation.

We also bring you insights from the world of arts and culture with numerous reviews and a special treat: an excerpt from Mohammed Hanif’s new book, Our Lady of Alice Bhatti. (If you missed it, we have a video clip of Hanif reading from it here).

The August 2011 issue of Newsline will hit newsstands soon. Make sure you pick up your copy.