Looking Back at Mirza’s Game-Changing Press Conference
By Newsline Editorial Staff | News & Politics | Published 14 years ago
On Sunday August 28, 2011, Dr Zulfiqar Mirza (PPP), former Sindh home minister, held a press conference at the Karachi Press Club. In a two-hour solo diatribe, Mirza raged against the MQM, accusing them of the past and present carnage in Karachi, and branded the party a terrorist organisation. He pointedly called the MQM’s self-exiled leader Altaf Hussain, a collaborator, intent on breaking Pakistan with the help of ‘foreign’ powers. Mirza went on to slay the reputation of his own party’s federal Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, calling him a compulsive liar occupying a position he didn’t deserve. Newsline asked three analysts, Amir Zia, Ghazi Salahuddin, and I.A. Rehman to give their take on what they heard at the game-changing press conference.
Read their analysis here:
- The Shape of Things to Come by Amir Zia
- Loose Cannon? By I.A.Rehman
- Whirlwind of Change? By Ghazi Salahuddin