August Issue 2010

By | Society | Published 15 years ago

Punjabi-pop princess Komal Rizvi screened her brand new music video “Chahiye” at her brother Hasan Rizvi’s house on July 14. The pop star returns to the music scene after a hiatus of five years, with a brand new album of which “Chahiye” is the new single.

The event was scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. but did not start until 7:30 pm (so, what else is new?) Hasan Rizvi, the well known owner and instructor of BodyBeat, spoke about how the concept of the video came about. He also entertained the audience with anecdotes from Komal’s career. There was a short presentation, featuring clips and snippets from her videos and BPL Oye, the show she did for Channel V in India. Komal Rizvi then took the podium and thanked all those who had helped her put the video together — “from the peon who served me tea to my mentor, Sadeqah Salahuddin.”

The video itself is something Disney would have come up with for one of its many teenaged pop stars — a montage of sequinned costume changes, fancy hairdos and lots of shimmying to the beat. Perhaps Komal and the video director, Amena Khan are trying too hard to appeal to the Twilight-and-Pussycat Doll-loving, teeny-bopper market. Here’s hoping they succeed.