January Issue 2006

By | Life Style | Published 19 years ago

A red dress. The perfect sunset. A white rose. The magic of candle-light. A dinner for two. An Italian meal. The sound of music. A twinkle in the eye. The fragrance of cologne. A glass of wine. A secret smile. A perfect evening.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, that’s the stuff dreams are made of! So why not dream a little? Everybody’s got that special somebody they fantasise about…

Newsline asked some dreamers about their ultimate fantasy date.

Aitzaz Ahsan, lawyer and politician

aitzaz-ahsan-jan06I’d love to go on a nice candlelit dinner with Arundhati Roy. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also courageous and brave. She might be frail and fragile physically, but she possesses such a lot of courage. The expression with which she writes is truly admirable. I would love to discuss topics such as globalisation and encourage her in her crusade.

The objectivity with which she thinks in this paranoid world is remarkable. She possesses beauty, brains, character and courage. She breaches any communal divide and transcends national borders.

Nadia Jamil, actor

nadia-jamil-jan06I’d want to go on a date with somebody who makes me laugh…somebody like Mr. Bean. I would like to see him stick his finger in his nose and take it out of his ears! He would bring the date to an extreme level of comic hilarity and revolting gruesome disgust. But I would need somebody to balance it for me and rescue me from Mr. Bean’s midnight kiss! For this purpose, I would choose my all time favourite, Will Smith! He would enjoy the humorous side of Mr. Bean with me, while at the same time provide me with some intellectual stimulation. Will Smith is refined and gorgeous and would give me that midnight kiss while holding Mr. Bean at bay with his muscular arms…

Ali Azmat, musician

ali-azmat-jan06My fantasy date is Keira Knightley. She is young, gorgeous and we see her on TV when she’s looking her best. That’s why I fantasise about her.