Deluxe Night
By Samina Ibrahim | Fashion | Life Style | Published 19 years ago
Unilever pulled out all the stops for the fifth Lux Style Awards, which also marked the 50th anniversary of Lux. It was glamour at its glittering bling, bling best on the red carpet, as Pakistan’s top models, movie stars, musicians and designers grabbed the spotlight in sartorial creations that would have done a Hollywood red carpet proud. It was Lux at its luxe best, vintage cars et al.
The hall devoted to the history of fashion was a perfect foil to the lights, camera and action outside. Black and white archival photos of past glamour and style lined the walls, while a revolving round sofa draped with languid models showcased yesteryear’s elegant saris and shalwar kameezes.
And now for the show itself. One would have imagined that the fifth time around, the Catwalk team would have choreographed a much tighter show. Four long, thirsty and hungry hours on incredibly uncomfortable chairs are definitely not the right ingredients for a fun evening. The sound system too left much to be desired.
Having said that, seeing Runa Laila almost made up for it all. As charming and graceful as ever, Runa sang (while Meera danced) her way into an elated audience’s hearts and inspired a standing ovation. Omar Rahim deserves special mention for his slick choreography in the Runa Laila and Nazia Hassan medleys.
Events like the Lux Style Awards though, are occasions where one expects to hear the now defunct art of the live performance, so the lip-synched numbers were a bit of a let-down — but enjoyable nonetheless.
On the fashion side, Karma’s Deco-Raj segment was stunningly elegant and testimony to their well-deserved couture award. The award for lifetime achievement in fashion design went to design doyenne, Maheen Khan, still gorgeous and still cutting-edge, after all these years. And the fashion world’s enfant terrible, Rizwan Beyg, bagged the decade of design award with a gracious acceptance speech that acknowledged and honoured his fellow nominees.
Thankfully, there was one aspect the organisers have finally fine-tuned: the judging. There was none of the ugly controversy over the nominations that had marred previous awards.
Now if they can get the rest of it right as well, next year’s awards should do both Unilever and their new co-sponsors, Sony Ericsson, proud.