
In March, the All Pakistan Newspaper Society announced the winners of the latest round of awards for excellence in print journalism. Newsline is proud to report that our winning streak continues.

After collecting multiple laurels each for the periods 2005-2006 and 2007-2008, Newsline has bagged three more APNS awards for 2009-2010. The winners were invited to the Presidency in Islamabad for an awards ceremony on March 28. (To see all the winners visit the APNS website).

Here are our winners:

  • Analyst and author Ayesha Siddiqa won for Best General Investigative Report
  • Newsline’s Online Editor, Talib Qizilbash, was awarded Best Investigative Report (Business/Economic)
  • Bright, young in-housers Maheen Bashir Adamjee and Zara Farooqui were jointly awarded with the Best Feature (English) award.

Thankfully, in some quarters, merit is still awarded.

Read Newsline‘s award-winning articles by clicking the links below:

Terror’s Training Ground by Ayesha Siddiqa
September 2009
South Punjab is a region mired in poverty and underdevelopment. There are few job prospects for the youth. It’s in areas like this, amid economic stagnation and hopelessness, that religious extremists find fertile ground to plant and spread their ideology.

Powerless by Talib Qizilbash
August 2009
Despite warnings of a massive impending energy crisis, the Musharraf regime failed to act decisively. Now in the midst of it, the new government, oddly, seems to be moving too slowly – and worse still, without a well thought out strategy.

Armed To Educate by Maheen Bashir Adamjee and Zara Farooqui
August 2010
Lyari has a reputation for violence and drugs, but a more intimate look at the town reveals street schools and theatre groups set up by the locals in a bid to forge a new future.