December 2, 2009

Editors love puns, mistaking them for witty wordplay. And it allows them to plead innocence when they make filthy jokes. Keep in mind that one sub-editor came up with thisheadline and at least two others would have approved it. (via Cafe Pyala)

Sacrificial cow blows landlord fatally

Hat-tip to Danish Khan for pointing out this story in Dawn. Former ISI head Asad Durrani has a curious reason for desiring Zardari’s ouster:

“[H]e takes up so much time of the government, of the media, of civil society’

By this logic shouldn’t Obama be hung, drawn and quartered?

Shahbaz Sharif has pointed out the real problem Pakistan is facing today, and it ain’t the Taliban

NRO threat to existence of country, says Shahbaz

The Times managed to do an entire story on how the legal troubles Zardari may face will propel Bilawal into power. Never once did it enter their minds that Bilawal is too young to legally take charge, or even become a member of the National Assembly.

AQ Khan has given up selling nuclear secrets for a career as a travel writer. He is now on part four of his series on Timbuktu. Expect Timbuktu’s leader to announce that they are in possession of a nuclear weapon any day now.

This is old news by now but this story in The News about Musharraf joining “the Facebook” is hilarious. We learn that the former president “has won 26,199 fans among the Facebook members.”

An NYT journalist decided to quit reporting for poetry in this story about David Headly. And she forgot about the existence of Pathans:

Even his eyes – one brown, the other green – hint at roots in two places.

Nadir Hassan is a Pakistan-based journalist and assistant editor at Newsline.