November 5, 2009

Not to tempt fate, but so far Karachi has been spared the wave of extremist violence that has hit Pakistan in the past few weeks. But if you read the international media today, you would be forgiven for thinking that a bunch of models are all that stands between Karachi and Taliban rule. The Karachi Fashion Week just kicked off and foreign correspondents in Pakistan, whose job description obviously does not include skimming copies ofWomen’s Own, She and Good Times, are somewhat condescendingly praising us for our fortitude and courage.

Here are some of the headlines I came across today:

Miami Herald seems to believe that fashion shows in Pakistan usually glorify terrorists. Or else their headline makes no sense. If they look closely they might see a keffiyeh or two.

Dresses, not suicide vests, parade at Pakistan’s fashion week

The Sydney Morning Herald just makes us look callous for carrying on with our lives.

Designers shrug off militant violence for Pakistan’s fashion week

The AFP headline makes it seem like our mean fashionistas purposely didn’t invite the Taliban

Hip Pakistan snubs Taliban at fashion week

Thaindian News, meanwhile, seems in awe of Pakistan’s ability to host a fashion show

Pakistan Fashion Week kicks off defying Taliban with skin show

Click on the link, though, and you’ll see that Thaindian isn’t quite so brave. Instead of showing us some of this skin, they just photographed a bunch of beards.

And if you think fashion and religious conservatism don’t mix, just check out this Newsline fashion shoot from January 2009.

Nadir Hassan is a Pakistan-based journalist and assistant editor at Newsline.