History in Photos: Karachi Streets
Photos compiled by Deneb Sumbul

Karachi 1950s Camel cars on Karachi streets, Pakistan

Double-Decker bus in 1950s in Saddar the city of lights.

Trams 1950 A tram passes by alongside a camel cart on M A Jinnah Road in Karachi.

Some letter writers used the `modern’ typewriter to conduct their business with the man-on-the-street.

Karachi buffalo taxi service.

Karachi 1950s West Wharf Port Karachi.

Karachi’s Burns Road area in 1961. The area, first developed as a posh locality by the British, had become a middle-class neighbourhood in the 1960s, largely populated by Mohajirs.

Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi Shrine.

1960 Karachi Zaibunissa Street.

Ballroom dancing at the Sindh Club.